Our Services

The Amrock Group - Services

The Amrock Group of companies, provides services in a variety of sectors, including Agriculture, Mining and Exploration, Earthworks, Energy & Petroleum, Transportation and Logistics, Research & Technology, and more.


Various Agricultural production areas are under our consideration for acquisition and further development to benefit from higher yields of productivity with various crops through permaculture and more efficient farming methods and water reticulation and minimum loss through evaporation. Using organics technologies such as Diatomaceous Earth for chemical free pesticides and fertilizers we can increase crop yields without imposing toxins on land and into our waterways.


With coal mining leases available to us and the availability of zero emissions coal-fired power stations technology, our interests in coal production in Australia and other international venues with greater safety, reliability, and effective financing, will enable us to provide low cost energy from efficient coal usage. With the ever increasing demand for power worldwide, we stand in a prime position to introduce these more efficient power generation technologies and with significant reductions in greenhouse gases.


Green Energy (with zero emissions) Integral to our corporate values, AMROCK allocates significant resources for investment and exploration of renewable 'green' efficient energy through modern technology and infrastructure. We have new technologies available to us that produce electricity with 'zero emissions' from a variety of industry choices including: 'new generation' wind energy generators, fuels from organic plant processing, solar crystals, diesel from coal, and 'zero emission' coal-fired power stations that will revolutionize the electricity grids to provide power and longstanding support towards local community infrastructures.


Our earthmoving and equipment operations are vital to the reclamation of deserts and in the development of an increasing demand globally for water storage and water transfer systems. With effective management of our financial resources to ensure we can program any demand project within a reasonable time frame developments such as building roads, rivers, and dams can be just as efficiently build as what we can reclaim the alarming expansion of deserts and convert them into agricultural lands.


Our petroleum business has established reliable sources to provide crude oil products, whereby combined with aggressively changing refining operations and practices, we can establish long term supply relationships at cost effective prices for our customers in various industry applications and minimize toxic pollutants and waste products in the production process. We are considering the development of new technologies to process all household garbage and agricultural waste into ethanol fuels with all bi-products being recycled and with zero-emissions.

Transportation & Logistics

Transportation logistics by land and sea interlink the movement of raw minerals, metals, and petroleum products on bulk carrying trains, heavy trucks, and ships create a reliable supply lines to our customers and end users.

Research & Technology

Transportation logistics by land and sea interlink the movement of raw minerals, metals, and petroleum products on bulk carrying trains, heavy trucks, and ships create a reliable supply lines to our customers and end users.

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